Can you believe we are in June already. 6 months into the year!
After a couple of months where I've had to do lots of planning and organising - work, birthdays, days away etc.
All that gave me the idea for this month’s blog and I thought it might be useful to share a few tips to help get the best start to the day.
Your habits will shape the quality of your day
Use these tips to help you get the best start to your day. Your habits can really help or hinder your day. From getting up late, to staying up too late the night before.
But if you think ahead and be more mindful of where your habits may be getting in your way you can give yourself the best chance to have a consistently great day.
Here’s a few tips:
1. Start your day on time. Don’t let that snooze button make you late! Often once you’re late it seems like you can never catch back up and that hectic energy carries on through the day. Plan ahead and ensure that you have enough time to do what needs to be done before work.
2. Be prepared. Following on from above. Make a list of your most important jobs to be done for the following day so you know exactly what has to be done the night before. This means less time is wasted on the actual day figuring out what needs to be done and you can actually just get started straight away.
3. Drink plenty of water. After being asleep all night, our bodies are often dehydrated. Try to drink only water for as long as you can from waking up. Often tea / coffee can be dehydrating so make sure to include water if you are drinking these through the day. Water helps with carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells.
cushioning your joints
regulating body temperature
preventing constipation.
carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells and more
Getting your body to work as best it can, will help you to function more effectively through the day. The same goes for eating a good balanced diet.
4. Try to incorporate some exercise. A walk is a great way to start and provides great benefits. It relaxes the mind and gets you moving and stretching especially if your work is office based. Remember to start small and build up.
5. Try to remain positive. What you think - will affect your day. Your thoughts influence your perceptions of things. When you think and feel more positive, you're more likely to have a good day and expect that good things will happen. I love a good affirmation!
6. Take some time out during the day - even just 5 or 10 minutes to just quieten your thoughts and mind to help bring you back to balance and relaxation.
What are your best tips to starting your day right? Let me know in the comments.

Holistics by Kay - Women's Health and Wellbeing Reflexology Manchester for more info and appointments.
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